In this post, I’m going to show you how to locate duplicates in Excel. I’m going to look at two scenarios. In the first scenario – we just have to identify duplicate/unique values in a list. For this I’m going to use Conditional Formatting . I also show you how to copy conditional formatting using the Format Painter

The steps are as follows:

  1. Highlight the area you want to apply conditional formatting to (don’t forget to use Ctrl and Shift and Arrow Down to quickly highlight – and if you haven’t done so already – you can get lots of other shortcuts in the sheet you get when you sign up 🙂 )
  2. Home – Conditional Formatting – Highlight Cells Rules – Duplicate Values
  3. Choose whether you want duplicate or unique values – and then choose your formatting
  4. You can copy the formatting using Format Painter or
  5. Remove the Formatting by using Conditional Formatting – Clear Rules

View the video here

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Download the file to practise on here 

You can view Part Two of this blog post where I show you how to use conditional formatting to  highlight the entire  row  where a room has been double-booked.