In the first of these blog posts I showed you how to set up your data entry sheet to make it pivot table friendly. Now in this blog post we are going to use pivot tables to show the following…

  • Analysis of each property’s performance (using total income) for a year
  • Analysis of each property’s performance (using taxable income) for a year
  • Analysis of the property’s performances (month by month)

You can see how these three are created in the video below..

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Here is the Excel sheet with the completed Excel sheet with data entry

Key Points

  1. Don’t forget to refresh your pivot table after you add new data (otherwise you will not see your new data)
    1. Click on pivot table, click Options ribbon and then click Refresh
    2. If you have blank dates, you will have problems grouping your dates into months..



See if you can re-create the pivot tables but this time using Amount – Taxable instead.